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Full Time Kindergarten
The first five years of a child's life are critical to the child's intellectual growth.
Turtle River School Division is committed to its vision of high quality of early childhood education for all families and their children. Click HERE for more information. Kindergarten Philosophy Kindergarten is a carefully planned program based on the knowledge of children’s growth and development. The program provides informal learning experiences to help develop the unique potential of each child’s readiness for the various school subjects. Basic features that the program provides are: -An opportunity for your child to become aware of his or her self dignity. -An opportunity for your child to develop a feeling of self worth and adequacy. -A teacher who is friendly, accepting, understanding, and sensitive to your child’s needs. -A teacher who evaluates the creative effort of your child in terms of what it has done for the student. -A well-arranged environment that invites exploration in different activity centers with a variety of materials and media. -A variety of activities which provide children with the opportunity of doing things at which they can succeed. Early Identification Program In October of each school year, each child will participate in an early identification program that includes:
Activities -Language Development Activities: -Listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing, representing -Math Activities: Number readiness, classifying, matching, patterning, problem solving, time -Science Activities: Observing, comparing, experimenting, measuring, asking questions, evaluating -Social Studies Activities: Exploring the child’s world, exploring the neighbourhood, observing changes -Music Activities: Rhythm, movement, singing, music appreciation -Physical Education Activities: Awareness of body space, balance, coordination, fitness, large and small muscle movement, wellness -Art Activities: Experimenting with media, creative expression -Experiences: Field trips, special events, special guests, cooking -Things You Might Do at Home: Talk about things you do, talk about places you go, answer questions, listen to your child, read and talk about books, praise your child Remember, play is a child’s way of learning! |